Ion Munduate. Rosa de los vientos
AZ Associated Artists
01-01-2022 / 31-12-2024
Calvo, Blanca (1963- )
Munduate, Ion (1969- )
Produced by: 
Azkuna Zentroa - Alhóndiga Bilbao
Artistic residency
Hand-in-hand with Blanca Calvo, Ion Munduate will start up a project made of 3 axes acting as connected gear elements, namely: love as production, the wind rose, and suspended constellation. According to the artist, “The basis of the project is movement, harmony and love as production, understood as the factor which moves the elements, ideas and stories. And riding on this set of gears, the wind rose, which guides us and we navigate along. «This project will last 2 years and, as he adds, “it shows the concerns, desires and central themes of the elements that make up my lines of work, together with the intermediate space between them. The suspended constellation overlaps as a sky of encounters and moments of visibility with artists who have influenced and shaped my references over the years.”
Usually when we think about events or when we project our direction, our future, we do so from a fixed point towards others. We understand that thinking from a fixed point is not the same as thinking from movement, from the awareness of being in movement and heading towards another movement to be determined.
The purpose of the project is to reflect on changes of disposition and habit in the way of approaching work processes. In the wake of the research project, “Rosa de los vientos”, which Ion Munduate is developing at Azkuna Zentroa as an Associated Artist of Azkuna Zentroa, he proposes a continuation of this shared experience in the form of a laboratory-meeting.
Related activities: 
Ion Munduate. Rosa de los vientos [Workshop]
Appears in Collections:
AZ Associated Artists