Mancuso, Stefano (1965- )
Stefano Mancuso (Catanzaro, Italia, 1965), is the founder of plant neurobiology. He is professor at the University of Florence, fellow professor at Paris Sorbonne Cité and at the University of Kitakyushu (Japan) and head of the Laboratorio Internazionale di Neurobiologia Vegetale. He is Editor in Chief of ‘Plant Signaling and Behavior’ and co-founder of the International Society for Plant Signalling and Behavior. He have talked in Ted Global (2010), was selected as one of the ‘20 people that will change our life’ (La Republica, 2014), and listed among the ‘world changers’ (New Yorker, 2014). He co-founded PNAT (2014), a start-up involved in producing technological solution inspired by the plants.

He authored many scientific books and more than 300 papers. Among his recent books: 'Verde Brillante' (Giunti Editore 2013), translated into 23 languages, has been awarded with the National Award for Scientific Popularization (2013), the Gambrinus Award (2014) and by the Wissenschaftsbuch des Jahres (2016); 'Sensibilidad e inteligencia en el mundo vegetal' (Galaxia Gutenberg, 2015), 'Biodiversos' (Galaxia Gutenberg, 2016) written with Carlo Petrini, and 'El futuro es vegetal' (Galaxia Gutenberg, 2017). With Carsten Holler in 2018 he ideated and produced the exhibition called ‘The Florence Experiment’.

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