Montero, Rosa (1965- )

A graduate of the Madrid School of Journalism, she has been collaborating with various media outlets since 1970 and has worked for El País newspaper since 1977.

She won the Interview World Award in 1978, the National Literary Journalism Award in 1980, and a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Madrid Press Association in 2005.

She received Spain’s National Literature Award in 2017 and the Gold Medal for Merit in Fine Arts for her long career as a novelist, journalist and essayist in 2022.

She has written more than twenty novels, many of them award-winning, including “La hija del caníbal” (The Cannibal’s Daughter) (Espasa, 1997), Primavera Novel Prize 1997; La Loca de la casa (The Crazy One in the Family) (Alfaguara, 2003), Qué Leer Award 2004 for best book of the year, Grinzane Cbavour Award for best foreign book published in Italy in 2005, “Roman Primeur” Award 2006 (France) and Grand Prix Littéraire de Saint-Emilion, Pomerol, Fronsac (2005-2006); “Lágrimas en la lluvia” (Tears in the Rain) (Seix Barral, 2011); “Lágrimas en la lluvia. Cómic” (Planeta Cómic, 2011), Best Comic Award 2011 by popular vote (Barcelona International Comic Fair) and “La ridícula idea de no volver a verte” (The Ridiculous Idea of Never Seeing You Again) (Seix Barral, 2013), Madrid Critics’ Award (2014) and Robinson Book Prize 2016 in the Foreign Novels category from the Plessis Robinson Library.

Her latest work, “La desconocida” (Jane Doe) (Alfaguara, 2023), is a short novel co-written with Olivier Truc.

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