consonni radio with Az
Resident collective programme (Amphytrion)
01-02-2018 / 31-12-2019
Produced by: 
Azkuna Zentroa - Alhóndiga Bilbao
Artistic residency
Radio broadcasting
Contemporary culture
Culture diffusion
consonni was the Azkuna Zentroa Collective Resident in 2018 and 2019. As part of this residency, the Bilbao publisher and art producer has researched the power of reflexive cultural content and its possibilities of dissemination.
consonni focuses on the radio as a key formula for both collective development of cultural content and its amplification. The radio is a means to produce intimate and remote experiences at the same time, where extra-corporeal voices represent real and imagined bodies, creating our day-to-day, life in common.
Over these 2 years consonni has produced different live radio programmes with audience, focused on different matters and involving several professionals. These shows have subsequently become podcasts and continue live, accessible and available for public consultation via the Azkuna Zentroa and Consonni websites.

  • RADIO SHOW consonni ."Arte y radio" (2018) - This radio show addresses the relationship between radio and art from different perspectives in a session led by Miguel Álvarez Fernández and Alberto de la Hoz in the technical part, which features Anna Ramos, José Luis Espejo, Sonia Fernández Pan, Juan José Torres, María Salgado, José Igés and Amaia Urra, among others. Different professionals to analyze this dialogue between art and radio from different perspectives and practices: from podcasting, sound art, radio art, radios of art institutions, free radios, cultural criticism...
  • RADIO SHOW consonni. "Speech Sound" (2018) - Speech Sounds is the title of a science fiction story by Octavia E. Butler, who won the prestigious Hugo Award for the best short story and for the first time in 1984. The story is about an illness which suddenly affects the ability to speak and/or read, write and reason. In a defeated civilisation, Butler tells the story of Rye, a woman who tries to cross the 20 miles to Pasadena among people whose only reliable form of communication is body language. We have invited different people to read, listen, interpret, analyse, draw, sing and dance this chilling inspirational text by a must-read author for feminist and afrofuturism science fiction within the context of feminism, anthropology, psychology, sociology, radio theatre, berstolaritza (Basque improvised poetry), activism, dance, music, sign language, and performance, etc.
  • "Titania" (2018) - Titania, presented by Tania Arriaga, is one of the radio programmes framed within consonni radio station, consonni radio with AZ. In this programme they will talk about the relationship between culture, communication, lesbianism and money.
  • "Voces en el jardin" (2018-2019) - Presented by Alicia San Juan, is a radio programmes in wich they will talk with professionals from different fields who share reflections and exchange impression.
  • "Cerca del cielo no se vive bien. Historias del éter" (2019) - A radio about radio programme hosted by Xabier Erkizia. A proposal that reviews, through various figures of the 20th century, not only the forms that this medium has had since its beginnings, but also the forms that it could have had.
  • "¿Qué haría Barbarella?" (2019) - Presented by Arrate Hidalgo. In this sonic space, the Bilbao feminist science fiction festival co-ordinator and translator Ansible Fest dissects the key topics on current feminism through science fiction. She is accompanied by the critic Laura Lazcano in her section dedicated to audiovisual.
  • "Contracömic" (2019) - Presented by Borja Crespo and Elizabeth Casillas suggests discovering other worlds which are in the comic, such as fanzine as an artistic object, DTP as a means of expression, the comic as activism, etc.
  • "Black surgery. Robar como un artista" (2019) - It is an experimental radio programme where Liben Svaart tackles the idea of stealing like an artist applied to music. In this laboratory-programme songs will be composed from scratch using improvisation, creating techniques and experiments.
  • "¿Hacia dónde va la propiedad intelectual?" (2019) - Conchi Cagide and Idoia San Matías, lawyers from Intangia, specialists in Intellectual Property, will try to bring authorship rights to the street, both to artists and citizens, delving into intellectual property, while discussing new developments and changes, and getting to know experiences of both artists and users.
  • "¿Phoenix Ragazza?" (2019) - Presented by Jone Uriarte and Lur Olaizola. A program entirely in Basque, which sets out a relationship between cinema and radio from a feminist perspective, proposing a transformation of our eyes, the gaze, into listening.
  • "Voces que caminan" (2019) - Presented by Gabriel Villota, the radio program proposes a hybrid format between an audio documentary and essay. With an audio collage built from music, voices and field recordings, it moves between the search for silence and the movement of body with its sound when moving.
  • "T.R.A.U.M.A. Transiciones, Resistencias, Amnesias, Utopías, Migraciones, Anormales" (2019) - Presented by Magda De Santo and Duen Sacchi, the radio program invites us to share public cultures created from the diaspora experience and the migration of artists, researchers, curators, activists, writers, creators and workers of the queer/kuir/cuir community.
  • consonni RADIO CON AZ FEST (2019). - In this farewell Live Radio Show at the Alhondiga Bilbao auditorium, our focus is on three key literary works, as a starting premise to continue imagining together. On the one hand, two novels written in the seventies: Woman on the Edge of Time by Marge Piercy and I See/You Mean by Lucy R. Lippard. And on the other, the essay Staying with the Trouble by Donna J. Haraway
Related activities: 
Radio show consonni. Art and radio
Radio show consonni. Speech sound
Voces en el jardín
Cerca del cielo no se vive bien. Historias del éter
¿Qué haría Barbarella?
Black surgery. Steal like an artist
Where is the Intellectual Property going to?
Phoenix Ragazza
Voces que caminan
T.R.A.U.M.A. Transiciones, Resistencias, Amnesias, Utopías, Migraciones, Anormales
consonni radio with AZ FEST

Appears in Collections:
Resident Collectives