Resident collective programme (Amphytrion)
25-09-2018 / 18-12-2018
Atrium of Cultures, floor 0
Arriaga, Tania
Produced by: 
Azkuna Zentroa - Alhóndiga Bilbao
Contemporary culture
Culture diffusion
Titania, presented by Tania Arriaga is one of the radio programmes framed within consonni radio station, consonni radio with AZ In this programme they will talk about the relationship between culture, communication, lesbianism and money.


  • #01. Irratian kulturarekin lanean: teletipoa, kalea eta museoa (20/11/2018) - Irratian entzuten dugun edukiaren parte handia kulturari buruzkoa da eta gure gonbidatuak Kultura sailaz arduratzen dira irrati ezberdinetan. Haiek dira, ordea, edukiaren sortzaileak? Rosi Guarrotxena (Bizkaia Irratia), Ane Zabala (Bilbo Hiria irratia), Idoia Jauregi (Euskadi Irratia) kazetariei hamaika galdera egingo diegu, ekintza, egitasmo eta eragileek sortzen duten informazioaren kudeaketari buruz. Horrela, kazetari eta artista/kultur eragileen arteko harremana hobeto ulertu nahi dugu.
  • #02. Lesbianas que, crean o no, crean. Hamaika lesbiana kulturgile, bai ala? (2019/04/16) - Many agitators of the cultural scene are lesbos, executives who cannot stay still and who, with very little, create a theater, a festival, a gallery, a publishing company... But is this statement true? In reality, there is a lack of evidence, a lack of quantitative research that supports this intuition, which is why the Titania team has hit the streets of Bilbao in search of answers. We talked with Yolanda and Elenka, from the Badulake bar-theater; Maite, from La Taller engraving gallery; María Salazar, from Histeria Kolektiboa, Loen live music; and the Basque bertsolaris (improvisation poets) Amaia Agirre and Saioa Alkaiza.
  • #03. Alma Viva 2025 (27/11/2018) - In the next episode of the Titania programme we enjoy an audio fiction scripted by Tania Arriaga 2075 Living Soul Mission. The Presidency of the Union has sent Dr. Marianela to carry out a suspicious mission. Aboard on the same ship we find Cape Pineda, the lieutenant, and the omnipresent Nerca, an advanced AI programmed to obey. This lesbo-story, full of action and romance, surprises us with its unexpected and allegorical outcome. Putting voice to these characters we have Elene Sustatxa (Dr. Marianela), Elena Bezanilla (Cape Pineda), Yolanda Martínez (Lieutenant), Saioa Oses (Nerca) and Elena Sarasola (Control Tower). We also have Alberto de la Hoz in the technical team and Eraitz Loiti making the musical selection.
  • #04. Where does our money come from? (18/12/2018) - As we all know, different public institutions allocate money to cultural agents and projects to help carry out their work. Often, around this aid ecosystem, questions, concerns, insecurities and a considerable dependence arise. In this episode, Titania interviews three public officials and asks them about the process and criteria they use in the design of aid: - Bingen Zupiria, Minister of the Department of Culture and Language Policy of the Basque Government, Andoni Iturbe, General Director of Culture of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and- Augusto Paramio, Coordinator of the Culture-Creative - Spain Office (European Commission-Ministry of Culture and Sports)..
Related activities: 
consonni radio with Az
Appears in Collections:
AZ Irratia - Contemporary culture