Voces que caminan
Resident collective programme (Amphytrion)
24-09-2019 / 10-12-2019
Atrium of Cultures, floor 0
Villota Toyos, Gabriel (1964- )
Produced by: 
Azkuna Zentroa - Alhóndiga Bilbao
Contemporary culture
According to Bruce Chatwin, the aborigines would leave a record of their journeys on foot through their songs: when these songs were sung, not only was there a mnemonic resource activated which facilitated the interpretation of a sound map, but likewise the sound of the song itself, from the voices and stories, turned material. The cities in which we live are saturated with noise: this saturation precludes listening, something for which silence is required. And that silence is produced away from the city centre, in places far away from power and capital.
This programme commences from the crossover of both ideas: the pursuit of the silence necessary to listen to the sound of the voice, on the one hand, and the observation of the body and its sound when moving, on the other, as a necessary support for the voice.


  • #01. The traces of the song (the landscape constructed by the voice) (24/09/2019) - Kantak sortutako mapa horietako iruditik hasita, Bruce Chatwin-en liburuan agertzen den bezala, eta ‘homo sapiensaren’ kontinente-arteko bidai luzeak ere jarraituz (Luigi Cavalli-Sforza genetista eta antropologoaren testuen eskutik), Carmen Pardo irakaslearekin (Unibertsitatea Girona) elkarrizketan izango gara gainean hauen inguruan.
  • #02. Of nomads and transhumants (29/10/2019) - Leongo unibertso maragatoa, nomadismoa bizitzeko modu berezi batetik eraikia; Espainiako mendebaldean artaldeak mugitzeko erabilitako kanada errealak, eta antzeko beste esperientzia batzuk, María Sánchez idazle eta albaitariarekin hitz egiteko hondoko oihala izango dira, gorputzak eta haien ahotsak landa-ingurunetik mugitzean oinarritutako bizipenei buru.
  • #03. Sound drifts of the body through the urban periphery (19/11/2019) - Genero zinematografiko bereziki emankorrak daude hiri periferia erakusteko orduan: horietako bat Neorrealismoa izan zen, eta baita Cinema Nuovo ere, biak Italian. Baina programa honetan, lehenago, bulebar periferikoetan ibiliko gara, Baudelaire eta Benjaminen flâneurrarekin, eta deanbulazio surrealistekin eta noraezean dabiltzanekin jarraituko dugu, Pasolini, Antonioni edo de Sicaren filmetan gure begien aurrean zabaltzen diren paisaia liminal horietan barrena gidatzeko balio digutenak; programa honetan Leire Ituarte (EHU) irakaslearekin hitz egingo dugu.
  • #04. Art displaced out of the countryside (10/12/2019) - In this last programme we want to go through a series of contemporary Spanish artistic spaces that are generated precisely in the peripheral limit between the countryside and the city, and to a certain extent also in the periphery of the art institution, as an eminently urban experience. Curiously, many of these spaces have left a particularly relevant space for the work of sound and voice. We will open a debate on this and other questions with Alfredo Puente (Fundación Cerezales, León), Clara Garí (Nau Coclea, Girona), y Juan Guardiola (CDAN, Huesca).
Related activities: 
consonni radio with Az
Appears in Collections:
AZ Irratia - Contemporary culture