Resident collective programme (Amphytrion)
30-04-2019 / 09-07-2019
Atrium of Cultures, floor 0
Casillas, Elizabeth (1986- )
Crespo, Borja (1971- )
Produced by: 
Azkuna Zentroa - Alhóndiga Bilbao
Comic books
Fan magazines
Contemporary culture
"Contracömic" is a radio programme presented by Borja Crespo and Elizabeth Casillas which aims to discover other worlds in this one, via a comic and its multiple possibilities. The fanzine as an artistic object, self-publication as a form of expression, a comic as activism and a critical tool, the committed cartoon, etc. It is focused on exploring the crossed fertilisation between the graphic medium and other arts, giving a voice to new trends, discovering new talents and essential authors which have opened up new expression channels. "Contracömic" conceives a public interested in culture in general and comics in particular.


  • #01. "New looks" (30/04/2019) - In this first Contracömic episode, a map of new trends in the medium will be drawn up. We will also discuss the avant-gardes revolutionising the comic concept and we will be chatting to María Medem, one of the most interesting emerging artists, and recently awarded a prize as Revelation Author in the last edition of Comic Barcelona. During our talk, we will be returning to an old debate which, after the publication of "Cadencia", the new work by Roberto Massó, returns to the forefront: What is a comic?
  • #02. "'For the love of art'" (21/05/2019) - Contracömic analyzes in its second show the close relationship between comics and painting. Works such as "Painters News" by María Luque or "Art? Why?" by Eleanor Davis will be explored. The program, conducted by Elizabeth Casillas and Borja Crespo, continues with an interview with the versatile artist Klari Moreno, with whom they talk about her experience as an artist and exhibitions curator, delving into the inclusion of comics in museums. Finally, the cartoonist Conxita Herrero participates in the final gathering, which deals with topics such as precariousness in the comic and that bad habit of people asking for drawings "for the love of art".
  • #03. "Brainteaser" (11/06/2019) - In its third edition, Contracömic analysis the contribution of comics to such an interesting topic as ‘mental illnesses’ citing works such as the recent "She could fly" or a classic like "Epileptic", among other essential titles. The programme broadcasters, Elizabeth Casillas and Borja Crespo, will be interviewing Lorenzo Montattore, one of the most suggestive talents in today’s panorama with works like "La muerte y Román Tesoro" or "¡Cuidado, que te asesinas!". Female illustrator Higi Vandis will be taking part in the discussion at the end, regarding the boundaries between comics and other disciplines within their wide spectrum.
  • #04. "Big comics for small readers" (09/07/2019) - Contracömic pays tribute to children and teenagers’ comics in its fourth edition. Cartoons aimed at the youngest but which can also capture the greatest readers. Recent essential titles by fundamental authors, e.g. from "Superpatata" to "Luces nocturnas" by Lorena Álvarez, passing through "Leñadoras" or "La caca mágica", and many more examples worthy of consideration to start reading comic strips at an early age. Elizabeth Casillas and Borja Crespo, the programme presenters, will be interviewing Natacha Bustos, responsible for the graphic section of "Moon Girl and Dinosaurio Diabólico". At the final discussion session, they will be joined by bookshop owner Patricia Millán, to talk about the evolution of children’s comics, publishers of interest on this topic or the functioning of bookshops among other questions.
Related activities: 
consonni radio with Az
Appears in Collections:
AZ Irratia - Contemporary culture