Aimar Arriola & Pablo Marte. Conversation
Lantegia 1, floor 1
Arriola, Aimar (1976- )
Marte, Pablo (1975- )
Produced by: 
Azkuna Zentroa - Alhóndiga Bilbao
Symposium and conference
Intimacy (Psychology)
New narrative forms
The artist, researcher and writer Pablo Marte presents his work "Una fuerte imaginación genera acontecimiento o Las ideas sobre las cosas", together with Aimar Arriola, within the context of Un deseo de forma (A desire for form), curator Aimar Arriola’s research project undertaken as an AZ Associated Artist. Furthermore, as part of his participation in Un deseo de forma, Pablo Marte will shortly be presenting a work dynamic open to anyone interested in the project.

Pablo Marte. A strong imagination generates event or ideas about things

Last summer the artist spent a few days walking through the Dordogne valley in France. He wanted to visit Château Montaigne, as he had read that at the top of the tower where Michel de Montaigne had invented the modern essay, you could contemplate phrases in Greek and Latin which the philosopher had written on the beams of the ceiling as a reminder. The artist was specifically looking for an inscription which he felt close to his heart, i.e. Fortis imagination generat casum (A strong imagination begets the event itself). However, once there, standing below those beams, he could not find it. But he did find this other one:

ΤΑΡΑΣΣΕΙ ΤΟΥΣ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΥΣ ΟΥ ΤΑ ΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΑ ΑΔΔΑ ΤΑ ΠΕΡΙ ΤΩΝ ΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΩΝ ΔΟΓΜΑΤΑ (Causes of human torment: not things but rather the ideas about things)

A fluttering space opens up between these phrases, where the artist who is working on aspects about passivity, inertness, intimacy and distances will put forward a "pluri- narrative structure", a meeting place between lyrical poetry and an impartial fate.
Related activities: 
Aimar Arriola. A desire for From
Appears in Collections:
Mediation - Visual arts