Patxi Zubizarreta. El libro: un ladrillo para construir la sociedad
Auditorium, floor -1
Zubizarreta, Patxi (1964- )
Produced by: 
Azkuna Zentroa - Alhóndiga Bilbao
Master Class
Children´s book

The author Patxi Zubizarreta (Ordizia, 1964) writes mainly for children and young people, although he also writes novels for adults.
Some of his books have been translated into Spanish, Catalan, and Galician, among other languages. He has received numerous awards throughout his career, the most recent one being the 2023 National Children’s and Young People’s Literature Prize for his work Zerria (Erein, 2022).
In this masterclass, Zubizarreta will explore questions with his audience such as Where does the desire to create a story come from? or How is it shaped by the various formats, such as film, comic, novel, etc.? The aim is to discover how a book is created and gain an insight into the background against which literature is set. He will talk about the steps involved in the process, from the genesis of the idea through to publication, with concrete and imaginary examples. He will likewise address the pain and the joy the process can generate and the place that books have or ought to have in society, to be able to continue dreaming. He is accompanied by the musician Peio Ramírez.

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Appears in Collections:
Mediation - Comic and literature