A voice for Erauso. Epilogue for a trans time [Catalogue]
Preciado, Paul B. (1970- )
ferranElOtro Studio
Published by: 
Azkuna Zentroa - Alhóndiga Bilbao
This publication is part of the A voice for Erauso. Epilogue for a Trans Time artistic project by Cabello/Carceller (Helena Cabello & Ana Carceller) collective. Curated by Paul B. Preciado, it has been produced by Azkuna Zentroa – Alhóndiga Bilbao between 2021 and 2022.
A voice for Erauso. Epilogue for a Trans Time started out with Cabello/Carceller coming across a highly fascinating and unusual portrait; probably the one Juan van der Hamen painted of Catalina de Erauso dressed as a lieutenant of the Spanish colonial navy in 1626. Today it belongs to the Kutxa collection. Erauso was born in Donostia in 1592 and assigned female gender. She was given the name Catalina, although she was more commonly known as “the lieutenant nun”. This was partly thanks to her autobiography, which tells the adventures of a young woman who fled the convent “dressed as a man” to later travel the lands colonised by the Spanish empire from Chile to Mexico as a soldier and merchant (under the aliases of Francisco de Loyola, Juan Arriola, Alonso Díaz Ramírez de Guzmán and Antonio Erauso, among others).
The artistic collective has created a new “portrait” of Erauso for this project, questioned by a gallery of new trans characters. The exhibition is arranged as an analogue-digital portrait gallery where Erauso (both the historical portraits of 1626 and their copy, and the new portrait by Cabello/Carceller) meet other representations of the artists´ previous works, among which the following are particularly noteworthy: Autorretrato como Fuente (2001); Archivo: Drag Modelos (2007-in progress); Movimientos para una manifestación en solitario (2020) or Lost in Transition_un poema performativo (2016).
The book-catalogue includes, in addition to the works of the exhibition, the script with comments of the audiovisual piece produced specifically for this project, and the stories of the Cabello/Carceller artistic collective, namely Paul B. Preciado and the researcher Susana Vargas, who relate the construction of a historical narrative with contemporary queer and trans politics.
Related activities: 
Cabello/Carceller. A voice for Erauso. Epilogue for a trans time
In Mediateka: 
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