Sarasola, Beñat (1984- )
(Donostia, 1984) is a writer and researcher. Holder of a PhD in Literary Theory & Comparative Literature from the University of Barcelona, he is currently a professor and researcher at UPV/EHU. Standing out among his publications is the book “Bainaren belaunaldia: Ustela, Pott eta Oh! Euzkadi”, Labayru, 2015, written thanks to the Santiago Onaindia grant. As a writer, he has published 2 books of poems, namely “Kaxa Huts Bat”, Susa, 2007, and “Alea”, Susa, 2009. Likewise, he has written the novel Deklaratzekorik ez, Susa, 2019. As a publisher, he has conducted the Susa publishing house “Munduko Poesia Kaierak” collection which translates the best modern and contemporary poetry into Basque.
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