Navarro, Brenda (1982- )
She holds a degree in Sociology and Feminist Economics (National Autonomous University of Mexico) and a Master’s in Gender Studies, Women and Citizenship (University of Barcelona). She is a writer, screenwriter, reporter and editor who has worked with various NGOs in the field of human rights and also founded #EnjambreLiterario, a project focused on publishing works written by women. Her first novel, “Casas vacías” (Sexto Piso, 2019), received the 42nd Tigre Juan Award and has been translated into ten languages. In her latest work, “Ceniza en la boca” (Sexto Piso, 2022), she tackles elusive issues such as inequality, xenophobia and alienation. The book, which is currently being translated into ten languages, was awarded the Cálamo Best Book of the Year in 2022, the Best Book of the Year Award from the Madrid Bookstore Association and the All Your Books Award from the Spanish Confederation of Independent Booksellers. It was a finalist for the 2023 Vargas Llosa Biennial Award. She is currently working on her third novel.
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