Ganuza, Andrea (1988- )
In his artistic practice, focused on graphic storytelling and drawing, he experiments with the limits of the comic medium, which he considers one of the languages of contemporary art. With a critical eye imbued with poetry, he uses his experiences to report on social, political and emotional issues. His training and work are developed both in an institutional framework and in festivals linked to counterculture, graphic design or fanzines.

She has participated in numerous collective projects such as the self-publishing festival PUMPK (Pamplona/Iruña) or the feminist collective Nenazas. She participates as co-founder and active member of La Zurda, a cultural association located in the neighborhood of La Milagrosa, in Pamplona. The jury valued the diversity and consistency of her previous work. Her previous projects testify to a process of research, know-how and prolific questioning of the comic medium. His openness to the world, to different cultures and to the challenges of today's society are aspects that have also been judged very relevant in his proposals. The residency will be an opportunity to develop their network in the French-speaking world. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
In ArtxiboAZ