Jobin, Gilles
Artistic director, producer, choreographer and dancer, Gilles Jobin, is a reference in the world of Extended Reality (XR) and contemporary dance. He created the innovative works: A+B=X (1997), Braindance (1999), The Moebius Strip (2001) and Under Construction (2002), based on a choreographic language outside the established aesthetic frameworks which included incursions in visual and live arts. Today, Gilles Jobin’s company focuses on innovation and technology for remote real time shows from his study in Geneva, which is equipped to capture creation and movement. Standing out among his most recent productions are: Magic Window (AR, 2019) and Dance Trail (AR, 2020) 2 dance pieces in augmented reality; and La Comédie Virtuelle, a multiuser piece in virtual reality. He created Cosmogony, a dance piece caught in live movement at the company’s studios and broadcast in real time, in 2021. His creations have been presented at festivals like: Sundance Film Festival (2018 & 2020), Venice Film Biennial (2018 & 2020), and Lyon Dance Biennial (2018); and museums like BAM, New York, Haus For Electronishe Kunst / HEK, Basle.
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