Fiadeiro, João (1965- )
João Fiadeiro belongs to the generation of choreographers who emerged in the 1980s and who, in sequence with the American “post-modern” movement and the French and Belgian Nouvelle Danse, originated the Portuguese Nueva Danza.

In 1990 he founded the Compañía RE.AL, which creates and performs in several countries around the world. Between 1995 and 2003 he collaborated with the United Artists as the head of the “movement of actors”, where they work with playwrights such as Samuel Beckett, Sarah Kane or Jon Fosse. Between 2011 and 2014 he co-directed, with the anthropologist Fernanda Eugénio, the AND_Lab research centre of Lisbon, an education and research platform, at the interface between creativity, sustainability and everyday life.

He took a 6-year break during which he dedicated himself exclusively to the process to systematise CTR and to his exploration of scientific fields such as neuroscience or the science of complex systems. Fiadeiro regularly guides workshops in a variety of national and international schools and universities.

Source: www.tabakalera.eus

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