Charles, Emma
Emma Charles (United Kingdom) is a London-based artist. Working with photography and experimental approaches to sound and moving image, her work often transverses the boundaries between documentary and fiction. She works both in analogue and digital formats which is often mediated by the subject in which the physical and material focus of the work become implicit in the aesthetic process. Current research areas include architecture, digital cultures, economics and temporality. Charles holds a MA in Photography from Royal College of Art. She has exhibited and screened at Jerwood Visual Arts, London; Serpentine Galleries, London; ZKM, Karlsruhe; HKW, Berlin; Jeu de Paume, Paris, LUX and ICA, London and is the recipient of a 2015, 2017 & 2018 Arts Council England award, Elephant Trust fund, ZKM commission and has been published in ‘Reset Modernity!’ edited by Bruno Latour (MIT Press).
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