Rozas, Ixiar (1972- )
Ixiar Rozas Elizalde (Lasarte-Oria, 1972) is a writer, playwright and researcher. She is a published author of narrative, poetry, stage plays and critical texts in several countries and languages.

Her works include titles such as Negutegia (Pamiela, 2006) and Beltzuria (Pamiela, 2014).

She also works the space between voice, body and the materiality of language from both a practical and theoretical perspective, publishing different scenic and sound works. She holds a PhD in Fine Arts (UPV/EHU), is a professor of Art Education (Mondragon Unibertsitatea) and is part of Azala espacio.

Euskal Idazleen Elkartea profile
Auñamendi profile
In ArtxiboAZ