Cabello/Carceller, the artist team formed by Helena Cabello (París, 1963) and Ana Carceller (Madrid, 1964), started their collaboration in the early nineties with the intention of examining the hegemonic means of gender construction in visual practices, proposing critical alternatives from queer positions. They combine the undertaking of their artistic projects with research, writing, curating and teaching.

Their work was selected in 2015 for the Spanish Pavilion at the 56th Venice Biennale. It has also been exhibited in solo shows at MUAC (Mexico City, 2019), CA2M in Madrid in 2017, MARCO in Vigo and IVAM in Valencia in 2016, or in art centres in Denmark, Philadelphia, Madrid, and Buenos Aires, among others. Their projects have likewise been shown in group exhibitions at the Centre Pompidouin Paris (2017), MACBAin Barcelona (2020),Tranzit (Bratislava, 2018), Museo da Electricidade (Lisbon, 2015), MNCARS (Madrid, 2013), Casino Luxembourg or Brooklyn Museum in New York in 2007. They form part of the archive re.act feminism. A performing archive and are featured in publications such as Art and Queer Culture (Phaidon Press) or Jack Halberstam’s book The Queer Art of Failure (Duke University Press), as well as on the prologue to the Spanish edition of Female Masculinity by the same author.
Cabello/Carceller website
In ArtxiboAZ