Rivas, Manuel (1957- )
Manuel Rivas (A Coruña, 1957) is an essayist, poet and journalist. He earned a degree in Information Science at the Complutense University in Madrid. He has worked in the press and on radio and television.

He won the National Narrative award for his book of short stories ¿Qué me quieres, amor? (2009) which was the inspiration for the film Butterfly’s Tongue. He won the Critics’ Choice award for four of his novels, including The last day of Terranova (2016). The carpenter’s pencil (1998) also converted into a feature film, has been translated into more than 30 languages. Playwright for The Hero (2006), he was a finalist for a Goya award for the screenplay for All is Silence. His short stories are compiled in the work titled The strangest thing (2011).

He is a member of the Royal Academy of Galicia and honoris causa doctor from the University of A Coruña.

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