Erkmen, Ayse
/Istambul/ - Visual artist Ayşe Erkmen, acknowledged as one of the foremost Turkish creators, works between Berlin and Istanbul. Ayşe Erkmen creates her works for a specific place, incorporating daily phenomena or observations without focusing on the generation of new shapes. Rather, she transforms pre-existing architectural and social conditions and contexts. Her work has been exhibited in numerous international exhibitions such as Münster Sculpture Project, in 1997 and 2017. In 2011 she represented Turkey in the 54th Venice Art Biennial with her work Plan B. She has taken part in 3 editions of the Istanbul Biennial, likewise in those of Shanghai, Berlin, and Sharjah or Scape in New Zealand. Her work was on display at the Berlin Akademie der Künste in 2016, The Curve Barbican Centre, London, in 2013, and SMAK, Ghent, in 2015, among others.
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