Sanz, Marta (1967- )
Sanz holds a PhD in Philology and has published novels, tales, essays, and poems. In 2001 she won the Ojo Crítico de Narrativa Prize for Los mejores tiempos (Debate, 2000). She was a finalist for the 2006 Nadal Prize with Susana y los viejos (Destino, 2006), and in 2016 she won the Herralde Novel Prize for Farándula (Anagrama, 2015). She has contributed stories to collective volumes and has won the Vargas Llosa-NH Prize. Her complete poems are collected in “Corpórea” (La Bella Varsovia, 2022), which won the Madrid Criticism Prize. We may highlight her essays “No tan incendiario” (Periférica, 2014), “Monstruas y centauras” (Anagrama 2018), which won the 2018 CEGAL Prize, and “Enciclopedia Secreta” (Editorial Contraseña, 2022). She collaborates with El País, Cadena SER Radio, and is a teacher at the Escuela de Escritores. Her latest novel is “Persianas metálicas bajan de golpe” (Anagrama, 2023).
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