García Puig, Mar (1977- )

She graduated in English Philology and earned a Master´s degree in Linguistics.

Currently, she works as a publisher. She has published articles in various media such as La Vanguardia, El Periódico, El Diario, Público and CTXT, and collaborated in the books “LGTBI” (Sembra Llibres, 2020), “Neorrancios. Sobre los peligros de la nostalgia” (Península, 2022) and “Más que visibles” (Egales, 2022).

She is the author of La historia de los vertebrados (Random House, 2023). Her first book is a story that begins with the day she became a mother in December 2015 and was elected at the same time as a member of Congress. These series of converging events (birth of her twins and representing her voters) caused her anxiety.

In ArtxiboAZ