Ion Munduate. Rosa de los vientos [Workshop]
Artista AZ kideak
24-04-2023 / 01/07/2023
Lantegia, BAT Espazioa
Calvo, Blanca (1963- )
Munduate, Ion (1969- )
Produced by: 
Azkuna Zentroa - Alhóndiga Bilbao
“Rosa de los vientos” project a proposal occurring through various experiences and formats. Roses in the wind is divided into different stages or “flights” to create a dialogue and delve into relevant aspects of the process through encounters and interactions with others. Each “flight” is produced in a work space with a curator and art writer, a neuroscientific sociologist, a philosopher and another artist.
Furthermore, each stage will have 2 “Kaixo” stages, i.e. body and movement sessions as the principle where the expression of those minimal elements is shared as gestures, tiny movements or vibrations outside a coded language. The route of each 3 hour session will be decided by the rose of winds, thus the first will be: Listen-Gesture-Involuntary.
1st. Flight. "Rosa de los vientos" with Itziar Okariz (from 24th to 28th April 2023)
Artist Itziar Okariz will be participating in the first flight. Intended for at choir members or people whose main working tool is the voice, we will work on improvisation understood as time and space where the random, cognitive, simplicity and complexity, the present and the body can develop different transitions of connection.
Movement is worked from another disposition, from the movement of the diaphragm, breathing, vibrations, to the encounter of the body and movement in space. Space is considered both as an open and available area as well as a material to be modified.

2nd. Flight. "Rosa de los vientos" with Laurence Rassel (from 18th to 20th May 2023)
Laurence Rassel will be participating in second flight. It is intended for people who are involved in active participation, thought, management or training of collectives, associations or groups which work together, i.e. people who undertake and develop joint activities through different sources of identification.
In general, the practice will focus on experiencing how the idea and consciousness of movement can discover new spaces of relationship, the awakening of a new space of thought, and a new method of generating relationships with others. This practice that I have developed over the years is not intended for people who have a special interest in the body and movement. Instead, in the various laboratories I have undertaken I have found that we can obtain a benefit from another provision of knowledge of movement to further a collective contemplation.

3rd. Flight. "Rosa de los vientos" with Iñaki Martínez de Albéniz (from June 5th to 9th)
Sociologist Iñaki Martínez de Albeniz will be participating in the third flight. Intended for people from the African community living in Bilbao, we will proceed from the practice to the discovery of something as simple as the harmonization of the body. The needs of communication, consideration, collaboration and exchange are not limited to concepts. Instead, they are the basic tools to let oneself be carried away by the relationship that movement can generate for, after all, to migrate means to be and to be movement.

4th. Flight. "Rosa de los vientos" with Hervé Diasnas (June 21st to 30th 2023)
Hervé Diasnas “is my teacher of movement. Through his practice I understood and further explored the analysis of movement”, explains Munduate. How to direct different dispositions of movement to stimulate and connect other types of encounters and situations. The attention, the constant of forming part of the same movement and the awareness of the present are subjects I owe to his practice.
The invitation to this project is to develop a specific choreographic exercise. Le Vol Dansé. 32ª Migración (Migration No. 32) will open a specific call to form a group of people which, through practice, learning and the undertaking of a ten-day workshop, will culminate in the presentation of Migración n º32 (Migration No. 32), on 30 June in Azkuna Zentroa. Le Vol Dansé is a choreographic singularity which takes the shoals of fish and the flight of birds as models. It is an intricate choral dance which requires the dancer to have a sense of space and a specially developed ability to listen to the group. Here, the dancer’s movements are omnidirectional and his/her attachment to the group ensures an elegant cohesion of the ensemble. The performers are each an element of the common movement. A choreographic entity like a living organism.
Related activities: 
Ion Munduate. Rosa de los vientos
Appears in Collections:
Mediation - Live arts