- Title:
- Josune Muñoz. Euskal literatura beste era batera
- Date:
- 29-02-2024
- Place:
- Auditorium, floor -1
- Speaker(s):
- Muñoz, Josune (1967- )
- Produced by:
- Azkuna Zentroa - Alhóndiga Bilbao
- Type:
- Master Class
- Tags:
- Basque literature
Underground press publications
History of women - Summary:
Twelve years ago, Basque philologist and researcher Josune Muñoz founded Skolastika Servicios Literarios to study and disseminate women’s culture and literature, with her own methodology.
In the 2022-23 academic year, Skolastika was asked to create new Basque literature manuals for high school students (ages 16-18). This process and its outcome will be the subject of this masterclass.
Muñoz will talk about the principles that have guided the creation of these innovative manuals, which shift the canon of Basque literature and the contents of the new bibliographies, based on reality.
Literature in images has been added to the traditional narrative, lyric, and dramatic forms. Furthermore, she has also worked on literary genres that are not typically represented in literature such as biography, autobiography, autofiction, and correspondence.- Description:
- Language: Basque
Addressd to: Secondary schoolchildren
Ticket: Aimed at secondary schoolchildren
- Related activities:
- Gutun Zuria Bilbao. Berba dariola
- Appears in Collections:
- Mediation - Comic and literature