Lijtmaer, Lucía (1977- )
Born in Argentina, she spent her childhood in Barcelona and currently lives in Madrid. She is one of the most distinctive voices on the journalistic scene today and one of the most recognizable faces at all kinds of cultural events. She has worked in media for a decade and currently collaborates with eldiario.es, El Español and El País. A fan and analyst of the culture produced and consumed by women, she is also the curator of the feminist festival Princesas y Darth Vaders (La Casa Encendida), a translator and a university professor of pop culture. Her published books include “Quiero los secretos del Pentágono y los quiero ahora” (Capitán Swing, 2015), “Casi nada que ponerte” (Los Libros del Lince, 2016) and “Ofendiditos”. Sobre la criminalización de la protesta (Anagrama, 2019). Along with Isa Calderón she co-directs the late night cultural podcast Deforme Semanal, winner of two Onda Awards.
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