Ferrer Lerín, Francisco (1942- )
Francisco Ferrer Lerín (Barcelona, 1942) philologist, writer and ornithologist specialised in large scavenger birds.

He is the founder father of the Novísima (Newest Ones) Generation. He has translated Tristan Tzara, Eugenio Montale, Paul Claudel, Gustave Flaubert and Jacques Monod. He has also collaborated with El País, La Vanguardia and Diario Jaén, among others.

He has published several books of narratives and poetry, such as De las condiciones humanas (Trimer, 1964), La hora oval (Ocnos, Barcelona) – for which he was a finalist in the International Maldoror Poetry Prize (1970) – and Cónsul (Península, 1987). He received the Critics’ Award for Fámulo (Tusquets, 2009) and the AIPEP Prize for the best publication for Níquel (Mira, 2005). For El Bestiario (Círculo de Lectores/Galaxia Gutenberg, 2007) he was awarded the Ministry of Culture National Prize for the best edited book (2008) and for Mansa chatarra (Jekyll & Jill, 2014) he received the Extraordinary Cálamo Prize (2014). He has recently published the poetry book Ciudad Corvina (Cuadernos 21V, 2018).

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