Benito, M. (1992- )
M. Benito (Zaldibar, Bizkaia, 1992), artist within Azkuna Zentroa - Alhóndiga Bilbao's “Babestu. Contemporary creation support” programme. She is a Fine Arts Graduate at UPV/EHU (2014), with a Master in Art Creation and Research (2015) at the same university. She was chosen in Soplo by Bilbao Arte Foundation, for the Ertibil Itinerant Festival on 3 occasions, and in Harriak at Horcasitas Palace, Balmaseda. First Prize at Getxoarte 2019 and third prize at La Rioja Young Art Festival. She has received grants from Bilbao Arte Foundation with an individual exhibition and from Bizkaia Provincial Council on two occasions. She recited her poetry The Most Dramatic Panda EVER at Bilbao Art District in Azkuna Zentroa, in Harriak (Balmaseda) and Bulegoa z/b (Bilbao).
In ArtxiboAZ