Varela, Julia
Julia Varela Fernández has a PhD. in educational science from the Complutense University and in Sociology from Paris VIII-Vincennes University. She is professor of sociology at the Complutense University and has been visiting lecturer at Goldsmiths College, London and the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris.

She has directed doctoral theses and research projects, especially on educational sociology and sociology of gender and has given courses and lectures at European and Latin American universities. The books she has written over the last two years include: ‘Nacimiento de la mujer burguesa’ [The birth of the bourgeois woman] (1997), ‘Las reformas educativas a debate’ [educational reforms debated] (2007), ‘Mujeres con voz propia’ [Women speaking for themselves] (2012), ‘Sociología, capitalismo y democracia’ [Sociology, capitalismo and democracy] (2004); ‘Materiales de sociología del arte’ [Sociology of art materials] (2008), and ‘Sociología de las instituciones’ [The sociology of institutions](2010); the final three together with Fernando Álvarez-Uría.
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