Lunde, Maja (1975- )
Maja Lunde (Oslo, 1975), Norwegian writer and screenwriter.

She is the author of children’s and adolescents’ books such as Battle, Across the Border and The Coolest Gang series. She has also written the scripts for the TV series Children's Supershow, the drama Home and the humorous series Side by Side, among others.

History of Bees (Siruela, 2016) was her first adult novel. To date, publishing rights have been sold in 32 countries and she has received several awards, including the prestigious Bokhandlerprisen (Norwegian Booksellers Association Award, 2015). It was the best-selling book in Germany in 2017. Her novel, Blue (not yet published in Spain), the second book in the Climate Quartet planned by Lunde, was published in October 2017 and has so far been published in 15 territories.

Maja Lunde website
In ArtxiboAZ