Marzo, Jorge Luis (1964- )
Barcelona, 1964. He is an art historian, PhD in Cultural Studies, curator of exhibitions, audio visual filmmaker, tenured professor at BAU University Centre of Design of Barcelona and a member of the research group GREDITS.

At the end of the 80s he designed numerous national and international research projects, in exhibition format, audio-visual or editorial, often to do with the politics of image. The most recent are: Actuar en la emergencia. Repensar la agencia del diseño durante (y después) de la COVID-19 (Taking action in times of emergency. Reconsidering the design agency throughout (and after) COVID-19, RAER, GREDITS, BAU, UNIKORE, AASD, Università Federico II, Hangar, ISIA, 2021-2023); Las videntes. Imágenes en la era de la predicción (The psychics. Images in the era of prediction. Arcadia, 2021); Fantasma’77. Iconoclastia española (Ghost’77. Spanish iconoclasm. Tecla Sala, Roca Umbert, Centre del Carme, Casal Solleric, 2020; with Matteo Guidi and Rebecca Mutell); Iconografía post-millenial (Post-millenial iconography. Morsa, 2019); La competencia de lo falso. Una historia del fake (The competition of the false. A story of the fake. Cátedra, 2018); Espectros (Spectres. Virreina, 2017); Fake. No es verdad, no es mentira (Fake. It’s not true, it’s not a lie. IVAM, 2016); Interface Politics (BAU, 2016, 2018); Arte en España (Art in Spain. 1939-2015). Ideas, prácticas, políticas (Ideas, policies, politics. Cátedra, 2015; con Patricia Mayayo).
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