Carrasco, Alán (1986 - )
Is a visual artist and researcher. He is currently conducting his PhD research for the Doctorate programme in History and Theory of Arts at the University of Barcelona ​​and History of Architecture at the Brandenburg University of Technology. In his thesis, he analyses the concepts of iconoclasm and collective memory based on the socio-political events ranging from 1919’s unsuccessful Spartakusaufstand to the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.
His artistic production is conceptually intertwined with this theoretical research. In recent years, he has created a body of work focused on the mechanisms whereby official stories are constructed, with a particular emphasis on some of their narration strategies, such as selectively inducing memory and forgetting, and more specifically, on the function of iconoclasm within this particular technology.
He is particularly interested in the margins of historical accounts and analysing why certain aspects and participants were systematically eliminated from them. In more recent projects, he has also worked with aspects of what he calls possibilities of history, i.e., events whose plausibility we are not sure of, yet are nevertheless plausible.
Represented by ADN Galeria, Barcelona (ES).
In ArtxiboAZ