Astiz, Iñigo (1985- )
Iñigo Astiz (Iruñea, 1985) journalist for the culture section of the daily newspapwer, Berria.

Has published a book of poetry, Baita hondakinak ere (Susa, 2012), and a book of feature stories, Kixotenean (Elkar, 2016). He has also translated Ariel eta beste poema batzuk (Cenlit, 2013), by the poet Sylvia Plath. He has investigated cases of paedophilia in the Basque church along with Alberto Barandiaran and Miren Rubio in the book titled Ez duzu abusatuko (Elkar, 2017).

Honourable mention for the Rikardo Arregi journalism award in 2015 and 2017. He directed the programme Gogoetaren Plaza at the Durango Fair in 2014 and 2015 with Miren Rubio. He collaborates with various media, including Euskadi Irratia, H28, Jakin, Argia, Euskalerria Irratia...

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