Olga Subirós (1965 - )
Olga Subirós is an architect and curator of exhibition projects that offer new perspectives and incorporate transformations of the digital era and ecological-social crises.
Her most recent curational and exhibition design project AIR/ARIA/AIRE, about air pollution and the need to create cartographic evidence to help change city models, was presented at the 2021 Venice Architecture Biennial. She was co-curator and designer of the “Big Bang Data” exhibition at the CCCB, which analysed the “datafication” of the world to date, likewise at several international venues like the MIT Museum and Arts Science in Singapore. Subirós has produced over 50 exhibition projects for several institutions such as the CCCB, MACBA, National-Bornemisza Museum, Telefónica Foundation, Somerset House in London, Artlab in Lausanne and DOX Centre for Contemporary Art in Prague, among others. She is also a professor on the Data & Design Master´s Degree at Elisava, the Barcelona Design & Engineering Faculty, in addition to preparing her PhD from RMIT University.
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