Crespo, June (1982- )
Crespo graduated from the University of the Basque Country in 2005 with a degree in Fine Art, and she is currently completing a residency at De Ateliers (Amsterdam 2015-2017). She has had her work displayed in individual exhibitions such as: Chance Album nº1 at etHALL in Barcelona, in 2016; Kanala at MARCO in Vigo, in 2016; and Cosa y Tú at Carreras Múgica in Bilbao, in 2015. The collective exhibitions that she has taken part in include: Truc at Art-o-Rama in Marseille, in 2016; HYPERCONNECTED at Moscow Museum of Modern Art in 2016; fluxesfeverfuturesfiction at Azkuna Zentroa in Bilbao, in 2016; Wild Things at The Green Parrot in Barcelona, in 2014; Hitting it off at P-exclamation in New York, in 2014; Pop Politics at CA2M in Madrid, in 2012; Esta puerta pide clavo at Tatjana Pieters Galerie, in Ghent, in 2012; Arte e Investigación 2010 at Montehermoso Centre in Vitoria, in 2011; and Antes que todo at CA2M in Madrid, in 2010.
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