Isasi, Miriam (1981- )
Miriam Isasiis a Doctor of Fine Arts from the EHU/UPV, with an international stay at Mexico’s UNAM. She has participated in residency programs at the Spanish Academy in Rome (Italy), Artist x Artist (Cuba), Fundación Bilbaoarte, Kunsthaus in Bregenz (Austria), EAS-EZE Bitamine Faktoria (Irún-Buenos Aires), MA Studio in Beijing and at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. From a contemporary approach, she generates a discourse that is constructed through nods to anthropology, history, activism, landscape and memory. She has participated in different exhibitions at ARTIUM, Montehermoso, Azkuna Zentroa - Alhóndiga Bilbao, BilbaoArte Foundation, Spanish Academy in Rome, San Fernando Academy, Guggenheim Bilbao, MUSAC, HUARTE, CAB and San Telmo Museum, among others.
Miriam Isasi website
In ArtxiboAZ