Candaudap Guinea, Luis (1964- )

Bilbao. Plastic arts.

He graduated in Fine Arts from the University of the Basque Country in the specialty of Painting in 1988, the year in which he received a grant from the Junta de Andalucía at the Rodríguez Acosta Foundation in Granada. In 1990 he attended a course at Arteleku under the direction of Rafael Canogar. Between 1989 and 1991 he obtained a scholarship and a grant, always within the specialty of painting, granted by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia. In 1991 and 1992 he received the BBK Plastic Arts scholarship (Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa) and in 1998 the scholarship in the Sixth Art Course of Mojacar (Almería). In 2005 he participated as a guest in the artistic practice workshop from the painting experience "Lupa e Imán"; in 2006 he took a course under the direction of Víctor Erice and in 2009 he participated in the Y + Y + Y Art and Complexity Sciences Workshop, under the direction of Joaquín Ivars, all at the Arteleku in San Sebastián.

Since 1987 his work has been selected in numerous competitions, such as V International Painting Contest Navarra Festivals in Pamplona, 3rd Amorebieta Basque Art Biennial, 5th Santurtzi Painting Contest, where he receives an acquisition award ( 1988), Getxoarte (1989), Gure Artea and Bizkaiko Artea (1990), 42nd International Salon of the "Jeune Peinture", Grand Palais, Paris (1991); Euskadi Pavilion at Expo'92 in Seville (1992), 3rd Exhibition of Unión Fenosa, La Coruña (1993); XXIII Autumn Salon of Painting, in the Obra social y cultural Bancaixa de Sagunto, Valencia (1994); XXII Bancaixa Prize, Valencia (1995); XII L'Oreal Painting Prize (1996), V Mostra Unión Fenosa (1997), XXVI Caja Madrid National Painting Contest (1998), XIII International Biennial of Sports in the BB.AA. (1999), XVI L'Oreal Painting Prize (2000), VII Union Fenosa exhibition (2001), I IberCaja National Painting Contest (2004), X Pamplona City Visual Arts Biennial (2005), VII City Painting Biennial de Estella-Lizarra (2005), XXVII Autumn Painting Salon of Plasencia (2005), VI Painting Prize of the General Board of the Principality of Asturias (2006), XVI City of Tudela Prize (2008), CO, A Awards, IN RIOJA (2008) o VII National Contest Parliament of La Rioja. Logroño (2011).

In addition to being present in exhibitions like these, he receives numerous awards such as the second Bizkaiko Artea (1989), first prize in the Third Painting Contest of the Banco Hispano Americano "Imagine Euskadi" (1990), second prize Gure Artea, Government Vasco (1991); Honorable Mention in the XX Bancaixa Prize "Painting and Sculpture" (1993), second prize in Gure Artea, Basque Government (1995); honorable mention at the XXIV Bancaixa Prize for painting and sculpture, Valencia (1997); First Prize VIII Painting Contest of the UNED in Bizkaia (2007), among others.

In 1990 his first two individual exhibitions took place, one of them at the Rue-en-pente Gallery in Bayonne and the other, Vision-state of exception in Igorre (Bizkaia). In 1991 he exhibited his work in the Halls of Paseo Ezkurdi, the Durango Museum of Art and History and in the Windsor Kulturgintza Gallery in Bilbao. A year later, the Madrid Gallery Eladio Fernández bets on him. In 1993 he exhibited at the Bilbao BBK Exhibition Hall and in 1994 at the Basauri Municipal House of Culture. Two years later he exhibited work at the Senda Gallery in Barcelona, to return in 1997 to the Windsor Kulturgintza Gallery in Bilbao and Galería 16 in Donostia. In 2002 he exhibited at the Fernando Silió Gallery in Santander, in 2003, a new individual at the Windsor Kulturgintza Gallery in Bilbao. In 2004 he exhibited at the Epelde & Mardaras Gallery in Bilbao and at the Beittu Gallery in Durango. He exhibited again in Bilbao in 2005, this time at the Juan Manuel Lumbreras Gallery with Ma Jolie. He exhibited at the Pintzel Gallery in Pamplona in 2006 and began the exhibition of itinerant drawings through Bizkaia entitled Luz de Agosto that will last until 2008. This same year he returned to the Juan Manuel Lumbreras gallery with VESTALT, in 2011 this same gallery showed Descanso on the flight to Egypt and at the Imatra gallery in Bilbao With me only counting, also from 2011 is the exhibition The Coyote and the Wolf at MA Studio in Beijing.

Among a large list of participations in group exhibitions, there are Colectiva 75 at the Eladio Fernández Gallery in Madrid (1990), Memoires Des Lieux at the Ghétary Museum (1991), A la Pintura. Spanish painters of the 80-90 years. Argentaria Collection at the Palau de la Virreina in Barcelona (1995), Arco'96, Stand of the Windsor Kulturgintza Gallery, Madrid; Arco'98, Stand of the Senda Gallery, Madrid; Basque Painting in the 20th Century, at the Donostia Kutxa Foundation (1999), Caja Madrid Art Awards, Generation 2000, traveling exhibition (2000); Arco'01, stand of the Windsor Kulturgintza Gallery, Madrid (2001); Arco 2002, Galería Windsor Madrid (2002); Exhibition 3 + 4, Epelde-Mardaras Gallery. Biarritz (2003); South Shore Arts Center, Munster and Gary Gallery of Contemporary Art. Indiana (2006); Rogue mirror Artificial Gallery, Madrid (2009); Arteaoinez 2010, Pamplona / Bilbao (2010); VII National Contest Parliament of La Rioja, Logroño (2011).

His work is present in the collections of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, the Basque Government, the Museum of Navarra, the Argentaria Group Collection, the Ernesto Ventós Omedes Collection, the Álava Museum of Fine Arts, the Testimoni Collection, the La Caixa Foundation or the BBK (Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa).

Source: Auñamendi Eusko Entziklopedia
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