Fraisse, Geneviève (1948- )
Geneviève Fraisse is a philosopher, historian of feminist thought, and Director Emeritus of research at CNRS. She co-founded the journal Les Révoltes Logiques in 1975 with Jacques Rancière. She has co-directed l’Histoire des femmes en Occident (volume 4-XIX century), directed by Michelle Perrot and Georges Duby, 1991.

Her research focuses on the history of the controversy of the sexes from an epistemological and political point of view. She is the author of numerous books, including: Muse de la raison, démocratie exclusive et différence des sexes (1989), Les femmes et leur histoire (1998), Du consentement (2007), A côté du genre, sexe et philosophie de l’égalité (2010), Les Excès du genre, concept, image, nudité, (2014), La Sexuation du monde, Réflexions sur l’émancipation, (2016).
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