Puleo, Alicia H. (1952- )

Alicia Puleo is a philosopher, professor and writer. Her essays on ecofeminism have been published in Spain, France, the United States, Italy, Portugal, Brazil and other countries of America and Europe. Her non-essentialist approach have been assumed as theoretical base by the Ecofeminist Network created in Madrid in 2012.

Her book publications include Ecofeminismo para otro mundo posible, Ecología y Género en diálogo interdisciplinar, Dialéctica de la sexualidad: Género y sexo en la Filosofía Contemporánea (shorlisted for National Essay Prized), La Ilustración olvidada: La polémica de los sexos en el siglo XVIII, La Filosofía contemporánea desde una perspectiva no androcéntrica, Cómo leer a Schopenhauer, Figuras del Otro en la Ilustración francesa, Filosofía, Género y pensamiento crítico, El reto de la igualdad de género. Nuevas perspectivas en Ética y Filosofía Política.

She is Ph.D. in Philosophy from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Full Professor of Ethics and Political Philosophy at the Universidad de Valladolid (Spain) where she is board member of the Center of Gender Studies. She is board member too of the Institut on Feminist Research of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. At this University, she has been part of the pioneering seminar on philosophy and feminism created by Cèlia Amorós and has directed the courses Feminismo y Ecología and Discurso sobre la sexualidad y Crítica Feminista. Since 2014, she heads the collection Feminismos at Catedra Publisher.

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