Madariaga, Juan Ramón (1962- )
Juan Ramón Madariaga Abaitua (Bilbao, 1962) is a poet and graduate in Basque Philology from the University of Deusto.

His published books include Imentzioaren pergamuak (Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia, 1989), Galera errepikatuak (Susa, 1992), Elaien ausardia (University of Deusto, 1993), Argia sortzen den izartegia (Alberdania, 1996), 1997 Critics Award recipient, and Amodioa batzuetan (Euskaultzaindia, 2001) 2000 Basque Language Academy Award recipient. Other poems have appeared in anthologies such as Millennium. Ultimísima poesía Española (Celeste Ediciones, 1999) and Orbanak (Erein, 2012), a book that summarises his career up to 2001.

He later published a book of poetry in Spanish, Física (Bassarai, 2001) and in 2010 he was awarded the 2010 Critics Award for Eroriaren Logika (Susa, 2009).

Espedizioa. Mendi ororen pisua (Txalaparta, 2015) is his first narrative work. In 2017, he published an anthology of poems titled Las aguas tranquilas. Ocho poetas vascos actuals (Renaissance, 2017).

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