Dumont, Fabienne (1972- )
Fabienne Dumont is a renowned art historian. Her doctoral thesis entitled ‘Women, art and feminism in France in the 70s’ will be published this year. She taught contemporary art history at university and is currently lecturing at the Fine Arts School in Brittany. As an art critic she has written about subjects such as feminism, gender problems and homosexuality. She has published ‘La rébellion du Deuxième Sexe – L’histoire de l’art au crible des théories féminis-tes angloaméricaines’ (1970-2000) (Presses du réel, 2011) and is currently working on a monographic essay ‘Nil Yalter, À la confluence des mémoires migrantes, du féminisme et du monde ouvrier’. She regularly contributes to joint volumes, conferences, seminars and exhibition catalogues and writes for art history, women’s history and gender history reviews as well as organizing exhibitions in France and other countries.
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