Urbanbat. Behatokia 4: Espacios zombi
Zorrozaurre Espacio Open
Díaz, Nerea
Maza, Gaspar
Produced by: 
Azkuna Zentroa - Alhóndiga Bilbao
City planning
Urbanbat, urban innovation office, develops, as a resident collective in Azkuna Zentroa, the Behatokia project, an experimental, open and participatory urban research laboratory.
Under the title Espacios Zombi (Zombie Spaces), the next “Situation Room” will take place in Zorrozaurre. This encounter will reflect on spaces which -defined by speculative rationales, public management conditioned by private interests, the stoppage of commenced works etc.- depict rough urban landscapes which continue to function with the disfigurements produced by the wills of many people or institutions. People who wished to confer the space a life conceived from interests beyond the dynamics of the territory.
These matters will be discussed by Nerea Diaz, director of Espacio Open, an ecosystem of creative and social projects with a positive social impact, located in the former biscuit Factory of Bilbao (Artiach Factory), in the neighbourhood of La Ribera de Deusto/Zorrozaurre; and Gaspar Maza, historian, social anthropologist and member of Idensitat, an art project which experiments with ways of influencing the territory in its spatial, temporal and social dimensions.
Related activities: 
Urbanbat. Behatokia
Urbanbat. Behatokia 1: Contaminación y crisis sanitaria
Urbanbat. Behatokia 2: La ciudad sobre la mesa
Urbanbat. Behatokia 3: Gentrificación y derecho a la ciudad
Urbanbat. Behatokia 5: Renaturbanizar
Urbanbat. Behatokia 6: Migraciones
Appears in Collections:
Mediation - Society and contemporary culture