M1 C4R4 N0 P3G4 C0N 3ST3 MUND0 is a book written on a mobile phone notepad. A less responsible way of writing is sought, where the silliest idea could be the most genuine and the option of drowning in a glass of water could be feasible without having to show heartfelt pain. The author breaks away from literary structures to lean on a fresh and seductive form of writing, such as using the mobile phone predictive vocabulary or inclusive language. In the vein of an open editorial session, artist M. Benito Píriz will share with Aimar Arriola, Associate Researcher at AZ, part of the writing and editing of her project. This project is being developed as part of Babestu. Creation Support Programme and Un deseo de forma.
“The interest in language has been a constant in my work and I have worked on it in different ways, always looking for a different space for the text. On this occasion, it wasn’t my intention to take literature out of its assigned area to convert it into something else, but rather to use it in its most traditional form and then assign it minor gestures, which although they don’t alter it to the point of changing the traditional format per se, they produce a strangeness in its construction.”