Sra Polaroiska. Council of wise women
AZ Associated Artists
19-09-2019 / 30-06-2022
Auditorium, floor -1
Lantegia 1, floor 1
Sra Polaroiska
Produced by: 
Azkuna Zentroa - Alhóndiga Bilbao
Artistic residency
Artistic creation
Contemporary culture
Social role
Old age
Sra Polaroiska has launched the Council of wise women project, a series of nine meetings with older women and professionals from different fields, a proposal to gather and share wisdom.
The collective started its residence with the No hay edad para el ritmo installation where, together with the screening of its audiovisual work No hay nada más moderno que envejecer", it proposed a device in which people of all ages were invited to enjoy a collective, family and intergenerational dance. After this collective performance, the Consejo de Sabias (Council of Wise Women)" project, a series of nine sessions with older women and professionals from different fields, was launched as a proposal to gather and share wisdom. Participating in these sessions were the wise women Dolores Juliano, a social anthropologist born in Argentina and exiled in Barcelona after Videla’s coup d’état; Amaia Lasa, one of the first women poets to write poetry in Basque; Garbiñe Mendizabal, gender equality expert and consultant; Luisa Menéndez, activist with the Ongi Etorri Errefuxiatuak Bizkaia Platform; Adelina Moya, PhD in History and Tenured Professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Bilbao; Arantxa Urretabizkaia, writer and member of Euskaltzaindia; Margarita Ledo, journalist, filmmaker, writer and professor of audiovisual communication and advertising at the University of Santiago de Compostela; Rosa María Calaf, the correspondent with the longest and most varied career in TVE; and finally, Teresa Catalán, composer, musician, researcher, teacher and full member of Jakiunde, Academy of Arts, Sciences and Letters of the Basque Country, Navarre and Aquitaine. In addition, Sra Polaroiska is working on the publication of a notebook, where the wisdom shared by the guests is compiled, together with the graphic stories of artists such as Abigail Lazkoz, Conxita Herrero, Bea Aparicio, Juana García, Naiara Goikoetxea, Leire Urbeltz, Ruth Juan, Raisa Alava which have been created in the series sessions.
Related activities: 
There's no age for rhythm
Pearls, dances, wishes, doubts and findings
Sra Polaroiska. Council of wise women [Podcast]
AZzabalik. Encuentro en torno a la creación artística (2021)
Council of wise women [Fanzine]
Appears in Collections:
AZ Associated Artists