Evans, Claire Lisa (1984- )
Claire L. Evans (1984, United Kingdom) is a writer, artist, and musician based in Los Angeles. She is the singer and coauthor of the pop group YACHT, the founding editor of ‘Terraform’, VICE’s science-fiction vertical, and the author of Broad Band: The Untold Story of the Women who Made the Internet (2018, Penguin Random House). She is the former Futures Editor of Motherboard, and a contributor to frieze, Rhizome, The Guardian, Wired, and Aeon. Her projects have been presented by the Walker Art Center, the New Museum of Contemporary Art, the Riverside Museum Beijing, MU Artspace Eindhoven, and the Gaité Lyrique. She is an advisor to graduate design students at Art Center College of Design and a member of the cyberfeminist collective Deep Lab.
In ArtxiboAZ