Torres, Sara (1991- )
Sara Torres (Gijon, 1991). She holds a PhD from Queen Mary University, London, and her thesis is titled: “The Lesbian Text: Fetish, Fantasy and Queer Becomings”. She holds a Master´s Degree in Critical Methodologies from Kings College, London. Her first book, La otra genealogía (2014) won the Gloria Fuertes National Poetry Award. She has also published Conjuros y Cantos (2016), Phantasmagoria (2019) and her most recent book, El ritual del baño (2021).

Her creative-theoretical work focuses on the analysis of desire, body and discourse via a critical feminist interdisciplinary approach entwining psychoanalysis, new materialisms and queer studies. Her novel Lo que hay (2022) has been granted the booksellers’ award for best new author of the year.
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