Fuster, Àngela Lorena

À. Lorena Fuster obtained her PhD in Philosophy at Barcelona University, where she teaches courses in Philosophy and Feminist Theory.

Today she is a “TRAFILO. La transmisión desde el pensamiento filosófico femenino y en el proyecto europeo (the transmission from the feminine philosophical thought)” researcher. She is also a researcher of the European project “HERA. The Debt: Historicizing Europe's Relations with the South”. Her research is focused on the topic of acknowledgement and transmission with a view to questioning the paradigm from a gender perspective. Furthermore, she is working on a documentary about the Debt. She has published numerous articles and essays on the topic of imagination and imaginaria in contemporary thought, particularly feminine thought.

She is a member of the Philosophy and Gender Seminary at ADHUC (Research Centre for Theory, Gender, Sexuality at the University of Barcelona), and of the research group GRC Creación y Pensamiento de las Mujeres (Women’s Creation and Thought). She is also a member of GAPP Grupo Arendt de Pensamiento y Política (Arendt Group of Thought and Politics), where she organizes the international conference cycles "Primaveras arendtianas".

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