Simón Partal, Alejandro (1983- )
(Estepona, 1983) is a writer and poet. Among his works, his 5th book of poems “Una buena hora”, Visor, 2019 (Hermanos Argensola International Poetry Award) and “La fuerza viva”, Pre-Textos, 2017 (Arcipreste de Hita), are noteworthy. His latest dramatic work, “Resistencia y Sumisión” (2019), was chosen by Factoría Echegaray and produced by Sigfrid Monleón. He was a resident author at the ETOPIA Center for Art & Technology in Zaragoza and has also worked in French and Czech Republic universities. “La parcela”, Caballo de Troya, 2021 (“Otra Mirada” Cálamo Award), is his first novel.
IN MEDIATEKA: Bibliography
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