Antes que caiga la noche
eszenAZ. Live Arts Season
Lantegia 1, Kubo Baltza, floor 1
Core, Gaston
Produced by: 
Azkuna Zentroa - Alhóndiga Bilbao
Performing Arts
Rap (Music)

The Iliad through rap and hip-hop culture.

I think that the “Iliad” is, above all, the confrontation between a certain society and the value system of a legendary and heroic world that preceded it. On the other hand, it is also the story of a man who challenges himself to assume the functions he is called to fulfil in that group and which give him meaning as an individual. Reading this text is always nostalgic. And this is one of the many things that continue to connect us to it: the puzzled look at a world that is slipping away from us and that we imagine is better than the one that is to come. But how can we explain the Iliad?
Its importance in history, the modernity of its narrative resources and the themes it addresses, but above all, how to convey the power of the words in this text in a one-hour performance, how it dignifies the other in order to dignify oneself. I think the best way to explain it is through our contemporary artists of the word: rappers. That is what this piece is: a theatrical look and an aesthetic reflection on the foundational work of Western literature through the language of rap and hip-hop culture.


Concept & Direction: Gaston Core
With lyrics by: Eskarnia, Celia Bsoul and Breaker
Sound space: Eskarnia
Academic advice: Mònica Miró Vinaixa
Collaboration: David Espinosa
Lighting: Valentina Azzati and Manuel Ordenavia
Styling: Eva Bernal
Documentation, Photo & Video: Alice Brazzit
Co-production of: the Center for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (CCCB), the RBLS Festival With the support in residence of the Conde Duque Center for Contemporary Culture and Nupura Dance Center
Thanks: Shreyashee Nag and Mario Rubio, Mouad eta Bewis De la Rosa.
Related activities: 
Gutun Zuria Bilbao. Berba dariola
Appears in Collections:
Scenic arts