eszenAZ. Live Arts Season
15-04-2021 / 16-04-2021
Auditorium, floor -1
Gómez Mata, Oscar (1963- )
Loriente, Juan
Produced by: 
Azkuna Zentroa – Alhóndiga Bilbao
Actor and scenographer Oscar Gómez Mata premieres Makers, the result of his work as an Azkuna Zentro Associated Artist, with actor Juan Lloriente, in the Basque Country.
Makers is a work about light, time and love lurching between comic overload and emotional contention, between insanity and truth. A show that blends the poetic and philosophical in a kind of survivors’ handbook, that tries to provide a solution for our transit through reality.
The piece emerges from the essential function of ‘makers': investigate to create light. "We are detectives and we try to look for the feelings hidden under the feelings, to find a poetic solution to reality", explains Óscar Gómez Mata. The result is a staging in which this "comic duo" tackles classical topics such as love, time and light, interspersing them with emotional humour. They provide us with a different take on everyday life of this fragile period in which contours are blurred and uncertain.

In their staging proposal they differentiate their most epic side, which in theatre is "a kind of espionage and investigation to control the world", and their most intimate side, trying to detect sensitivity hidden below sensitivity. This is a show in the line of the works done by L’Alakran and directed by Óscar Gómez Mata.

In this way, makers create protocols to spy on reality. "This work is a story of overlapping layers, where we strip away what we believe to be the truth to discover something that we did not expect to feel". In Makers "there is both surprise and suspicion". The propitious attitude of the Makers is defined in the words of the philosopher Daniel Innerarity: "… reality is complex, and when someone approaches it in a binary way, we have the obligation to be suspicious".
Related activities: 
Oscar Gómez Mata. Laboratory of wanderings
Appears in Collections:
Scenic arts